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16 November 2011

Interview: Austin Getz (Turnover)

March, 2011. Five guys from Virginia Beach, pop-punk band called Turnover, released their self-titled debut EP. May, 2011. I was lucky to make an interview with Turnover's vocalist, Austin Getz. Enjoy!
Nick Nefedov[MBC] - To start, Austin introduce to everyone in the band and tell us a bit about them please.
Austin Getz [Turnover] - I'm Austin Getz, I'm 18 and I sing. Kyle Kojan is 18 and does backing vocals and plays rhythm guitar. Danny Dempsey is 18 and plays bass. Casey Getz is 17 and plays drums. Alex Dimaiuat is 16 and plays lead guitar.
MBC - What are band members' interests besides music?
Austin - We all generally love to play music and hangout.
MBC - How did the band first get started?
Austin - The band started in early summer 2009 after I ended an old band of mine called Our Better Years, which was a really bad, typical pop punk band. Kyle, Alex and I all wanted to do something a little more dark with a lot more energy. We got my brother, Casey to drum for us and we started writing and released our first demo in December of 2009, and played shows around the area for about a year. Around September, our first bassist, Mike Sheehy, left the band and Danny joined up. We recorded this first Self Titled EP with Mike Bridgett in February and released it ourselves in March.
MBC - Who would you say some of the bands biggest influences are?
Austin - We all have different influences, I'm really into stuff like Lifetime, Saves the Day, Jawbreaker, Brand New; Danny really likes old emo stuff like American Football, Braid, The Promise Ring; Alex is into Hip Hop and Hardcore more than anything else; and Casey and Kyle really listen to just about everything and are really rounded out.
MBC - Your new EP "Turnover" is great! What can you tell us about it?
Austin - "Turnover" is the result of over a year of writing, trying to really find the sound we wanted. We're all ecstatic about how it turned out.
MBC - When will be new recordings?
Austin - We hope to be recording some new material in the Fall and releasing a split in the winter.
MBC - What about your local scene? How do you think Virginia Beach is a good place to pop-punk bands like "Turnover"?
Austin - The local scene here in Virginia Beach is cool. Everyone is really supportive of good music whether it be hardcore, punk, metal, whatever. We've been really lucky to have such a cool and loyal fan base.
MBC - By the way, if i am not mistaken, you played concert with the Fireworks, Such Gold, MDAM and Living With Lions on May, 8. Share your impressions with us please.
Austin - Yeah, we just played a show with all of those bands. They were all really cool dudes and we hope to play with them again.
MBC – With which bands are you in good relations?
Austin - We've had a lot of awesome bands come through that we've played with: Title Fight, Transit, Hostage Calm, Daytrader, Daylight, Seahaven, Balance and Composure, Tigers Jaw, Man Overboard, Fireworks, Such Gold, Make Do and Mend. It's been unreal to play with all of those bands. They're all making awesome music.
MBC - "You like dogs", right? What do you think about sXe?
Austin - Haha, yeah we're all pretty fond of dogs. As far as straightedge goes, Danny is the only straightedge member of the band, but I think it's an awesome movement. It's really healthy and promotes a great lifestyle. I, personally, don't drink, smoke or do drugs, but I just don't claim any sort of label. As with anything, I think a lot of people take it out of hand and are too intolerant towards those who aren't like them, and that's sad. I know a lot of straightedge kids who are friends with a lot of really NOT straightedge kids. That's how it should be.
MBC - Finally, what about your tour future plans?
Austin - We would love to tour Europe and Asia and the whole world man. It's on the horizon. Spread the music and we hope to see you soon!
MBC – Thank you guys a lot! Bye!

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